Sunday, April 11, 2010

Triplet Table!

Feedings just got that much easier! Yay for the triplet table!


  1. That is AWESOME! Hope it works great for you guys!

  2. LOL I kept looking at this picture and couldn't figure out why until just now. They all have "different" foot wear! Socks on, socks off and sock kinda on! Love it!

  3. hi rose & josh - found your blog thru a mutual friend on facebook. These babies are absolutely adorable! The blog is hilarious. I'm spending way too much time just catching up. They are almost the same age as my daughter, she was born 7/30. I know you're busy but you seem very happy too. Congrats & enjoy!! :) - erin from Dr...well hopefully you know where I'm from

  4. Hi, Erin! Yes, we are very happy. Very busy, but very happy, like most parents, I guess! Thank you for commenting! We are so grateful to you and everyone at the office!

  5. Lovely family!! Where did you get that table?
